
Trouble in Marriage, Do give marriage counselling a chance to save your marriage!

One of the difficult things to handle is an unhappy marriage. And usually, people don’t work out things and give it time, instead they straight head for a divorce. The basic problem lies in the lack of communication because couples do not talk to each other about their unhappiness and just continue normally with the routine as if things will themselves fall into place. There are also people who work out possibilities and try to make things work before ending the marriage. They are the real fighters who believe in solving the underlying problem and reaching some resolution before breaking the relationship. But, whatever be the case, couples hesitate and do not consider going for marriage counselling. They do not realize how beneficial it can be for their marriage instead of heading for divorce. The main reason that people avoid marriage counseling is the societal preconceptions, i.e. what will the other people think about them. When things go wrong, nobody’s opinions should matter t

How can psychologist marriage counselling save your marriage?

Marriage  is always misunderstood as a fantasy world, with no hassles in it.  Couples realise it only during and after the wedding ceremony, that it requires hard work and commitment. After the honeymoon, the realisation is even more that they feel they are not as compatible as they previously thought. Bonding between the couple is unnurtured due to reasons like jobs, children, etc. Seeking the advice of a marriage counselor may help to strengthen and save marital relationships. How Can Psychologist Marriage Counseling Help? ●  If a couple really needs  to work on their marriage, they would attend the counseling no matter how busy they are. ●  Healthy and effective communication is given by the counselor, by acting as a mediator between the spouses. ●  The behavior pattern of the spouses leading to conflict is identified.   The couple  can work on modifying them with the help of a counselor. ●  Its always said that the couple should be transparent in sharing their vi

Why Should A Couple Seek Psychologist Marriage Counselling Services?

No two people are perfect, and hence, no relationship can be flawless. There are bound to be issued when two people live together under a roof. Married couples often face discord in their married lives because of one or the other reason. There can be issues related to trust, compatibility, finances, or other emotional reasons. It has been observed that many times the couple is not able to resolve the differences on their own, and things get complicated over the times. In such cases, couples should seek professional help. In simpler words, couples should see a psychologist marriage counselling for resolving their issues. Also, a couple does not require only counselling when they are facing any issues. Psychologist counselling can be beneficial for people in a healthy relationship too. It can help in maintaining marital harmony. If you are looking for marriage counselling, The Anna Centre is there to help! They have a panel of experienced and empathetic counsellors who can he

Essential Points to Consider When Choosing Best Couple Counselling Service

It is common for couples to face marital disputes or temporary setbacks. Sometimes it can be difficult for the couple to resolve the differences and come to a mutual solution. Often people seek help from family or friends, but it is not a great decision to make. Their suggestions can be biased and based on emotions. Couples should seek advice from professional counsellors who can offer a neutral take on the discord and help the couple in overcoming the same. If you or someone you know is going through a rough patch in their relationship irrespective of whether they are married or not, they can seek the best couples counselling at The Anna Centre . They have experienced professionals who listen and empathize with your problems and counsel you on how to communicate and reach an amicable solution. The counselling is not just meant for couples who are facing issues; it can be used as a preventative measure as well. You can keep certain points in mind when choosing the counse

Stress Management 101: What is Stress and How to Deal With It?

Studies show that around 77% of people experience physical symptoms such as fatigue/headache because of stress. This is also one of the major reasons why business psychology consulting firms are such a blessing for mankind. This article intends to guide you on the very meaning of stress and what  STRESS: Defined Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension. This is a result from adverse or demanding circumstances. Even though not all stress is bad (e.g. Eustress), it is typically triggered by something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety. Commonly, the causes of stress are money, the economy, and work. Further stress can also be caused due to health issues, emotional problems, major life changes, family, and conflicts with beliefs and values. Surroundings, such as living in an area with crime or pollution, your social situation, your job, or unemployment are all causes of stress. TYPES OF STRESS The first type of stress

Avail family psychological services for a better home life

Human beings are social animals. Living in groups and clusters gave rise to families, which became the cornerstone for society and its structure. The foundation of social interaction begins with the family. Family life and home environment shape the individual’s personality, and character and a conjoint social behaviour of the human race stems from this very basic unit called family. Hence, it is absolutely crucial that the emotional and mental wellbeing of a family is sound, well taken care of, and any issues are addressed immediately. This has many facets and perspectives. It can be the wellbeing of the following aspects of home life: Relationship counselling This is a type of psychotherapy which is also called couples therapy. When the relationship between a couple hits problems, and there is no apparent solution, therapy of this sort tries to help them figure out a way in which there are better interpersonal interactions without any negativity or prejudices. This therapy

Couples Counselling: Why It Is Important In All Relationships

Relationships are beautiful. Two souls, who meet on the road towards the journey of life, who spends time with each other, fall for each other, care for each other. Finally, he becomes her journey and her, his destination. It is the power of love, to unite two people for life. However, the road to love is not smooth. Like the famous quote goes “Life is not a bed of roses”. Moreover, the path to life is bumpy as well. Trust and honesty are the foundations upon which relationships are built. You have to be completely honest with your partner.  Be it your quirks or your obsession or your wildest desire. It would be best if you talked to your partner about it. The psychologists at The Anna Centre will help you with your relationship problems. Psychologist couples counselling  is a session involving a couple and a counsellor. The course starts by exploring the background and the story of the couple as individuals. The counsellor then focuses on the history of their relationship an