Trouble in Marriage, Do give marriage counselling a chance to save your marriage!
One of the difficult things to handle is an unhappy marriage. And usually, people don’t work out things and give it time, instead they straight head for a divorce. The basic problem lies in the lack of communication because couples do not talk to each other about their unhappiness and just continue normally with the routine as if things will themselves fall into place. There are also people who work out possibilities and try to make things work before ending the marriage. They are the real fighters who believe in solving the underlying problem and reaching some resolution before breaking the relationship. But, whatever be the case, couples hesitate and do not consider going for marriage counselling. They do not realize how beneficial it can be for their marriage instead of heading for divorce. The main reason that people avoid marriage counseling is the societal preconceptions, i.e. what will the other people think about them. When things go wrong, nobody’s opinions should matter t...